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Czechoslovakia Coin List

The monetary history of Czechoslovakia is fascinating and reflects the country's political and economic changes during the 20th century. From its founding in 1918 until its dissolution in 1993, Czechoslovakia experienced various monetary systems and issued a variety of coins and banknotes that are of great interest to numismatists.

The Czechoslovak koruna

The Czechoslovak koruna was the official currency of Czechoslovakia from 1919 until 1993. Initially, it was introduced to replace the Austro-Hungarian koruna after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the Nazi occupation, the currency was temporarily replaced by the Reichsmark, but was reinstated after World War II. In 1953, a currency reform was carried out that significantly devalued the krone, severely affecting the population.

Numismatic Milestones

Among Czechoslovakia's most notable numismatic milestones was the issuance of commemorative silver and gold coins, which began in the 1950s. These pieces celebrated historical events, personalities and cultural achievements of the country. Another relevant fact was the introduction of aluminum coins in 1953, a measure adopted to save more valuable metals. With the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993, the Czechoslovak koruna was replaced by the Czech koruna and the Slovak koruna, marking the end of an era in the region's monetary history.

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Czechoslovakia is a country that does not exist today. It is now part of the Czech Republic old coins.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Czechoslovakia coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

Checoslovaquia | 20 haléřů

KM#1 FO#3697
Price $0.38-$1.25
Year 1921-1938

Checoslovaquia | 50 haléřů

KM#2 FO#7009
Price $0.71-$2.35
Year 1921-1931

Checoslovaquia | 10 haléřů

KM#3 FO#6430
Price $0.01-$2.77
Year 1922-1938

Checoslovaquia | 1 koruna

KM#4 FO#7008
Price $0.44-$1.63
Year 1922-1938

Checoslovaquia | 2 haléře

KM#5 FO#11534
Year 1923-1925

Checoslovaquia | 5 haléřů

KM#6 FO#7732
Price $1.25
Year 1923-1938

Checoslovaquia | 1 dukat

KM#7 FO#12197
Year 1923

Checoslovaquia | 1 dukat

KM#8 FO#12198
Year 1923

Checoslovaquia | 2 ducats

KM#9 FO#12200
Year 1923

Checoslovaquia | 5 korun

KM#10 FO#8680
Year 1925-1927

Checoslovaquia | 5 korun

KM#11 FO#11535
Price $4.96-$6.92
Year 1928-1932

Checoslovaquia | 5 korun

KM#11a FO#16023
Price $1.09
Year 1937-1938

Checoslovaquia | 10 korun

KM#12 FO#11536
Price $13.08
Year 1928

Checoslovaquia | 5 ducats

KM#13 FO#12201
Year 1929

Checoslovaquia | 10 ducats

KM#14 FO#12202
Year 1929

Checoslovaquia | 10 korun

KM#15 FO#11537
Price $7.63-$10.03
Year 1930-1933

Checoslovaquia | 25 haléřů

KM#16 FO#11538
Price $1.49
Year 1932-1933

Checoslovaquia | 20 korun (Industry, Agriculture and Business)

KM#17 FO#11539
Price $5.45-$12.53
Year 1933-1934

Checoslovaquia | 20 korun (Death of President Tomás G. Masaryk)

Checoslovaquia | 1 koruna

KM#19 FO#3698
Price $0.71
Year 1946-1947

Checoslovaquia | 20 haléřů

KM#20 FO#8824
Year 1947-1950

Checoslovaquia | 50 haléřů

KM#21 FO#13025
Price $0.63-$1.09
Year 1947-1950

Checoslovaquia | 1 koruna

KM#22 FO#3702
Price $0.54-$0.76
Year 1947-1953

Checoslovaquia | 2 koruny

KM#23 FO#3703
Price $0.75-$0.86
Year 1947-1948

Checoslovaquia | 50 korun (Third anniversary Prague Uprising)

Other resources to find coins and banknotes of Czechoslovakia

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