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Habsbourgs (1516-1700) Coin List

The House of Austria in Spain, also known as the Habsburg dynasty, ruled the Spanish Empire from 1516 to 1700. This period witnessed important political, economic and social changes that were reflected in the coinage of the time.

The rise of the Empire and its coins

During the reign of Charles I and Philip II, Spain reached its peak of imperial splendor. The influx of precious metals from the American colonies allowed the minting of coins of great quality and value. The real de a ocho, also known as the Spanish peso or dollar, became the first currency in global use. These coins, minted in high purity silver, bore the coat of arms of the House of Austria and the image of the reigning monarch. The Potosí mint in present-day Bolivia became one of the most important in the world, producing enormous quantities of coins that circulated throughout Europe, America and Asia.

Economic Decline and Currency Devaluation

As the 17th century progressed, the Spanish Empire began to experience economic and military decline. This was reflected in the quality of coins minted during the reigns of Philip III, Philip IV and Charles II. Inflation and devaluations became frequent, and low value vellon (silver and copper alloy) coins were minted to cope with the scarcity of precious metals. The pure copper coin, known as maravedí, became the currency in common use for everyday transactions. Despite these problems, the real de a ocho maintained its international prestige until the end of the dynasty, being widely used in global trade and laying the foundation for future currencies such as the U.S. dollar.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Habsbourgs (1516-1700) coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of Spain

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Spain.

Catholic Monarchs 1474-1504 Habsbourgs 1516-1700 House of Bourbon 1700-1868 Provisional Government 1868-1871 Amadeo I and Charles VII 1870-1876 I Republic 1873-1873 Alfonso XII 1874-1885 Alfonso XIII 1886-1931 Second Republic 1931-1939 Franco Spanish State 1939-1975 Juan Carlos I 1975-2002 Euro 1999-?

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

España | 1 maravedi (Philip III)

KM#2.1 FO#20756
Price $10.88
Year 1601

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#3.1 FO#20747
Price $1.74-$52.52
Year 1602

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#3.1O FO#20758
Price $2.18
Year 1602

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#3.7 FO#16468
Price $0.60-$21.90
Year 1602-1620

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#3.8 FO#16469
Price $3.26
Year 1602-1603

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#3.9 FO#16470
Price $3.26
Year 1602-1604

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip IV)

España | 2 maravedíes (Philip IV)

España | 1 dinero - Valencia (Philip III)

KM#5 FO#20757
Price $4.35
Year 1610

España | 2 maravedíes (Charles II)

España | 2 maravedíes (Charles II)

KM#5.1 FO#14667
Price $8.70
Year 1680-1685

España | 2 maravedíes (Charles II)

KM#5.2 FO#20783
Year 1680-1696

España | 2 maravedíes (Charles II)

KM#5.3 FO#17025
Year 1680-1685

España | 2 maravedís (Charles II)

KM#5.4 FO#20789
Price $2.18
Year 1680-1686

España | 2 maravedíes (Charles II)

KM#5.6 FO#17127
Price $5.54-$10.88
Year 1680-1686

España | 2 Maravedíes (Charles II)

KM#5.7 FO#20867
Price $2.18
Year 1680-1691

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#6.3 FO#14665
Price $4.35-$107.69
Year 1602-1620

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#6.4 FO#14666
Price $21.75
Year 1618-1620

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#6.5 FO#14664
Price $4.35-$33.59
Year 1604-1620

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip IV)

KM#7.1 FO#15130
Year 1621-1625

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip IV)

KM#7.2 FO#6817
Price $10.78
Year 1624-1626

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip III)

KM#7.3 FO#15132
Year 1602-1604

España | 4 maravedíes (Philip IV)

KM#7.3X FO#20766
Price $21.75
Year 1621

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