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World Mints and Banks

Mint, is a government institution responsible for producing coins for a country. Minting is a crucial process in the global financial system, as it allows a country to issue money into circulation and control its economy.

Since ancient times, mints have been important in the economic history of countries. During the time of ancient Rome, for example, mints were responsible for the production of gold, silver and copper coins that were used throughout the Roman Empire. Over time, technology has evolved, and today, most mints use advanced machinery for coin production.

The coin-making process begins with the creation of a design. A team of artists and designers work together to create a unique image that represents the country and its cultural values. Once the design is complete, a mould or die is created, which is used to mass produce coins.

Coin manufacturing is carried out in several steps, including casting, minting and finishing. In casting, metal ingots are melted down to create solid metal discs. Then, in minting, a machine is used to shape the metal discs and add details to the design, such as dates and legends. Finally, in finishing, the coins are polished to give them a shiny, even finish.

In addition to making coins, mints also play an important role in monetary security. To prevent coin counterfeiting, mints use advanced security technologies, such as microchipping and holograms. They are also equipped with physical and technological security to protect the dies and moulds used in coin production.

The mints are also responsible for the collection and storage of old and worn coins. Spent coins are removed from circulation and melted down to be recycled and used again in coin production. This allows countries to control the amount of coins in circulation and maintain the stability of the economy.

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List of mints and banks