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Euro (1999-?) Coin List

The introduction of the euro in Spain in 1999 marked a historic milestone in the Spanish economy and society. This momentous change not only affected the currency in circulation, but also had a significant impact on various aspects of daily life and the perception of national identity.

The transition from the peseta to the euro

The process of transition from the peseta to the euro began on January 1, 1999, when the irrevocable exchange rate of 166.386 pesetas per euro was fixed. During the first three years, the euro existed only as a currency of account, used in electronic and financial transactions. The physical introduction of euro coins and banknotes took place on January 1, 2002, initiating a period of dual circulation that lasted until February 28 of the same year. The new Spanish euro coins featured designs on their national sides that reflected the country's rich history and culture, such as the effigy of King Juan Carlos I on the 1 and 2 euro coins, the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela on the 1, 2 and 5 cent coins, and Miguel de Cervantes on the 10, 20 and 50 cent coins.

Economic and social impact of the euro in Spain

The adoption of the euro brought important economic and social changes to Spain. On the one hand, it facilitated trade and transactions with other eurozone countries, eliminating currency exchange costs and reducing exchange rate uncertainty. This contributed to greater economic integration with Europe and an increase in foreign investment. However, there was also a phenomenon of "rounding" in prices that generated some perception of inflation among consumers. On the social side, adapting to the new currency was a challenge, especially for the elderly, who had to familiarize themselves with new values and equivalences. Despite these initial challenges, the euro was quickly consolidated as a symbol of European identity and of Spain's participation in the continental integration project.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Euro (1999-?) coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:

If you are looking for valuable 2 euro coins from all countries you can consult our page dedicated to the Euro.

The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of Spain

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Spain.

Catholic Monarchs 1474-1504 Habsbourgs 1516-1700 House of Bourbon 1700-1868 Provisional Government 1868-1871 Amadeo I and Charles VII 1870-1876 I Republic 1873-1873 Alfonso XII 1874-1885 Alfonso XIII 1886-1931 Second Republic 1931-1939 Franco Spanish State 1939-1975 Juan Carlos I 1975-2002 Euro 1999-?

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

España | 1 euro (Army)

KM#57xm FO#20473
Price $17.95
Year 1998

España | 5 euro (Royal Guard)

KM#58xm FO#20474
Price $27.19
Year 1998

España | 25 euro (Tribute to the Army)

KM#59xm FO#20475
Price $16.32
Year 1998

España | 1 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#61xm FO#20650
Price $1.44
Year 1998

España | 2 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#62xm FO#20651
Price $0.99
Year 1998

España | 5 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#63xm FO#20652
Price $1.70
Year 1998

España | 10 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#64xm FO#20653
Price $1.72
Year 1998

España | 20 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#65xm FO#20654
Price $1.99-$3.55
Year 1998

España | 50 euro cent (euro in Churriana test)

KM#66xm FO#20655
Price $5.10
Year 1998

España | 1 euro (euro in Churriana test)

KM#67xm FO#20656
Price $3.20-$5.71
Year 1998

España | 2 euro (euro in Churriana test)

KM#68xm FO#20657
Price $2.35-$10
Year 1998

España | 1 euro cent

KM#1040 FO#117
Price To $0.01
Year 1999-2009

España | 2 euro cent

KM#1041 FO#118
Price To $0.02
Year 1999-2009

España | 5 euro cent

KM#1042 FO#120
Price $0.05-$0.08
Year 1999-2009

España | 10 euro cent

KM#1043 FO#121
Price $0.11-$0.12
Year 1999-2006

España | 20 euro cent

KM#1044 FO#122
Price $0.23-$0.24
Year 1999-2006

España | 50 euro cent

KM#1045 FO#123
Price $0.51-$0.76
Year 1999-2006

España | 1 euro

KM#1046 FO#124
Price $1.14-$2.14
Year 1999-2006

España | 2 euro

KM#1047 FO#125
Price $2.11-$4.30
Year 1999-2006

España | 10 euro (Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

España | 12 euro (Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

España | 10 euro (Incorporation of Menorca to the Spanish Crown)

España | 12 euro (25th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution)

España | 10 euro (75th Anniversary of the Juan Sebastián Elcano)

España | 10 euro (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel López de Legazpi)

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