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Alfonso XIII (1886-1931) Coin List

The reign of Alfonso XIII in Spain, from 1886 to 1931, was a period of great political, social and economic changes. During this time, the country underwent important transformations that were reflected in various aspects of daily life, including coinage. Numismatic pieces from this period are a valuable testimony of Spanish history and offer a unique insight into the events that marked the end of the constitutional monarchy.

Political and social evolution during the reign of Alfonso XIII

The reign of Alfonso XIII was marked by a series of political and social crises that culminated with the proclamation of the Second Republic in 1931. During this period, Spain faced challenges such as the loss of its last colonies in 1898, the Tragic Week of Barcelona in 1909 and the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera between 1923 and 1930. Despite these problems, the country experienced a process of modernization and industrialization, especially in regions such as Catalonia and the Basque Country. Spanish society was gradually transformed, with a growing workers' movement and the emergence of new ideological currents that challenged the established order.

The coins of Alfonso XIII: a reflection of a changing era

The coins minted during the reign of Alfonso XIII are a fascinating record of the historical and economic changes of the time. Three main periods can be distinguished in the numismatics of this reign: the regency (1886-1902), the coming of age (1902-1931) and the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930). Among the most outstanding pieces are the 100 peseta gold coins, minted between 1897 and 1904, which show the portrait of the young monarch. Also notable are the silver coins of 5 pesetas, popularly known as "duros", which circulated widely throughout the reign. In later years, new denominations were introduced, such as the nickel peseta in 1925, reflecting the economic changes and modernization of the Spanish monetary system.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Alfonso XIII (1886-1931) coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of Spain

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Spain.

Catholic Monarchs 1474-1504 Habsbourgs 1516-1700 House of Bourbon 1700-1868 Provisional Government 1868-1871 Amadeo I and Charles VII 1870-1876 I Republic 1873-1873 Alfonso XII 1874-1885 Alfonso XIII 1886-1931 Second Republic 1931-1939 Franco Spanish State 1939-1975 Juan Carlos I 1975-2002 Euro 1999-?

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

España | 5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#689 FO#4208
Price $1.35-$2,830.96
Year 1888-1892

España | 50 centimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#690 FO#7490
Price $4.81-$182.48
Year 1889-1892

España | 1 peseta (Alfonso XIII)

KM#691 FO#7491
Price $10.07-$103.46
Year 1889-1891

España | 2 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#692 FO#6787
Price $5.44-$71.86
Year 1889-1892

España | 20 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#693 FO#18023
Price $462.29
Year 1887-1890

España | 5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#700 FO#4209
Price $18.99-$120.11
Year 1892-1894

España | 20 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#701 FO#14637
Price $4.21
Year 1892

España | 1 peseta (Alfonso XIII)

KM#702 FO#10630
Price $5.22-$58.04
Year 1893-1894

España | 50 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#703 FO#5084
Price $5.25-$127.70
Year 1894

España | 2 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#704 FO#6680
Price $154.47-$507.75
Year 1894

España | 50 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#705 FO#1120
Price $10.05-$58.48
Year 1896-1900

España | 1 peseta (Alfonso XIII)

KM#706 FO#1030
Price $3.72-$59.71
Year 1896-1902

España | 5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#707 FO#2467
Price $17.24-$177.76
Year 1896-1899

España | 100 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#708 FO#18027
Price $231.55-$1,763.01
Year 1897

España | 10 reales (Cantonal Revolution)

KM#715 FO#25789
Price $815.80
Year 1873

España | 1 peseta (Alfonso XIII)

KM#721 FO#6678
Price $2.72-$64.62
Year 1903-1905

España | 2 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#722 FO#1828
Price $2.61-$6.10
Year 1904-1905

España | 50 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#723 FO#1119
Price $5.72-$10.42
Year 1904

España | 2 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

KM#725 FO#7001
Price $11.40-$36.36
Year 1905

España | 1 céntimo (Alfonso XIII)

KM#726 FO#1028
Price $3.26-$8.09
Year 1906

España | 50 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#730 FO#4366
Price $5.63-$32.11
Year 1910

España | 1 céntimo (Alfonso XIII)

KM#731 FO#3113
Price $5.70-$160.24
Year 1911-1913

España | 2 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#732 FO#1829
Price $1.09-$5.44
Year 1911-1912

España | 25 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#740 FO#3402
Price $5.81-$59.11
Year 1925

España | 50 céntimos (Alfonso XIII)

KM#741 FO#1029
Price $3.57-$20.33
Year 1926

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