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Tibet Banknotes Catalog

All Tibet banknotes sorted by type, banknote collectors use the acronym #P, in reference to the prestigious publication in charge of assigning the numbering: Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. Although at Foronum we have decided to include our own #FO numbering. In this catalog you can find the legal tender and currently circulating banknotes of its official currency and other old banknotes of Tibet distributed in their historical categories.

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📢 Tibet is a country that does not exist.This country is currently part of the old banknotes of China-Peoples Republic.

Valuable banknotes

The most valuable Tibet banknotes sought after by collectors are the following:

5 Tam

FO#2537 P#1
Year: 1658
Composition: Paper
Size: 180 x 100 mm
Shape: Rectangular

50 Tam

FO#2535 P#7
Year: 1672-1687
Composition: Paper
Size: 201 x 118 mm
Shape: Rectangular

5 Srang

FO#2532 P#8
Year: 1688-1693
Composition: Paper
Size: 118 x 70 mm
Shape: Rectangular

10 Srang

FO#2533 P#9
Year: 1687-1694
Composition: Paper
Size: 180 x 112 mm
Shape: Rectangular

25 Srang

FO#2534 P#10
Year: 1687-1694
Composition: Paper
Shape: Rectangular

100 Srang

FO#2536 P#11
Year: 1942-1959
Composition: Paper
Size: 214 x 138 mm
Shape: Rectangular