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1 peso

1 peso
FO#10048 KM#115.2
Name 1 peso
Country El Salvador
Shape Round
Composition Silver
Weight (g) 25,00 g
Diameter (mm) 37,00 mm
Edge Ribbed
Price 60,00€
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Mint manufacturing and issuing data

Statistics Year Rarity Mintage Mintage Note
1904 Very scarce San Francisco 400.000 Retrato de Cristobal Colón más grueso.
1909 Very scarce San Francisco 690.000 Retrato de Cristobal Colón más grueso.
1911 Very scarce San Francisco 1.020.000 Retrato de Cristobal Colón más grueso.
1914 Very scarce Filadelfia 2.100.000 Retrato de Cristobal Colón más grueso.

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Current coin value by year and state of preservation

What is the value of the coins of 1 peso? You can see all prices of this coin in the description, the values are calculated with the market price that collectors assign in their collections. According to its state of conservation and other criteria. Find the collectors that have this coin with its different characteristics and make an exchange/purchase with them by contacting them or using the Foronum tools.

1 peso 1904 - - - - - - -
1 peso 1909 - - - - - - -
1 peso 1911 - 60,00€ - - - - -
1 peso 1914 - - - - - - -
The value of the coins is generated by a complex algorithm based on the users' collections and the degree of conservation. The price of the coins is indicative and in no case binding.

Collectors who own the coin in their collections

The following list of collectors shows the availability of the 1 peso coin of El Salvador in their collections. Visit the numismatic collector's page to see his coins and banknotes, then you can propose an exchange or purchase of the coin. The colors of the prices are indicative, when it is red it means that it is above the value calculated by Foronum, while green is when it is below.


Continue browsing the coin collection of El Salvador

1 peso
FO#10047 KM#115.1
1/4 real
FO#13827 KM#120