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First Republic (1794-1803) Coin List

The First French Republic, established in 1792, marked a period of radical changes in the history of France. Between 1794 and 1803, the country underwent significant transformations in its political, social and economic system, which were reflected in its monetary system.

Changes in the monetary system

During this period, France adopted the decimal system for its currencies, abandoning the old system based on pounds, salaries and denarii. The franc became the main monetary unit, divided into 100 centimes. New coins were minted, such as the silver franc, the tenth franc and the copper cent. These pieces frequently featured republican symbols such as the Marianne, personification of the Republic, or revolutionary slogans such as "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité". The introduction of this new monetary system was a reflection of the revolutionary ideals of rationality and uniformity.

Economic and social impact

The monetary reform had a profound impact on the French economy and society. The standardization of the monetary system facilitated trade and financial transactions, contributing to the economic development of the country. However, the political instability and continuous wars of this period affected the production and circulation of coins. The scarcity of precious metals led to the minting of lower quality coins and the use of paper money, the asignados, which suffered a rapid devaluation. This volatile economic situation contributed to the social and political turmoil that characterized the last years of the First Republic, culminating with the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to power in 1799 and the establishment of the Consulate, which would mark the end of this turbulent republican period in 1804.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable First Republic (1794-1803) coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of France

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of France.

Louis XIII 1610-1643 Louis XIV (Sun) 1643-1715 Louis XIV (Ecu) 1643-1715 Louis XVI 1774-1796 First Republic 1794-1803 French Empire 1803-1815 Kingdom of France 1815-1848 Second Republic 1848-1852 Napoleon III 1852-1870 Republic/former Franco 1870-1960 Vichy Government 1940-1944 New French Franc 1960-2001 Euro 1999-?

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