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France Coin List

French numismatics is rich in history and diversity. France currently uses the euro as its official currency since its introduction in 2002. However, its monetary history is much more extensive and fascinating, spanning centuries of political and economic change.

The French franc: predecessor of the euro

Prior to the adoption of the euro, the official currency of France was the French franc. Introduced in 1360 during the reign of John II, the franc underwent numerous transformations over the centuries. During the French Revolution, the germinal franc was established in 1803, which remained the primary monetary unit until the arrival of the euro. The French franc witnessed important historical events, such as the creation of the Latin Monetary Union in 1865.

Milestones in French numismatics

French numismatics has several significant milestones. Among them is the minting of the "écu d'or" in 1266 by Louis IX, one of the first European gold coins of the Middle Ages. Another turning point was the introduction of the silver franc in 1575 by Henry III. In more recent times, the issuance of commemorative coins has gained popularity, celebrating historical events, personalities and French cultural achievements, thus contributing to the country's rich numismatic tradition.

Country France
Coin Euro (EUR)
Continent Europa
Capital city Paris
Catalogued coins 1834

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The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable France coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of France

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of France.

Louis XIII 1610-1643 Louis XIV (Sun) 1643-1715 Louis XIV (Ecu) 1643-1715 Louis XVI 1774-1796 First Republic 1794-1803 French Empire 1803-1815 Kingdom of France 1815-1848 Second Republic 1848-1852 Napoleon III 1852-1870 Republic/former Franco 1870-1960 Vichy Government 1940-1944 New French Franc 1960-2001 Euro 1999-?

Coin catalogs related to France

You can consult other coins related to France, these catalogs are usually country history: former countries, unifications, independence provinces, colonies, etc.

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

Francia | 1 douzain

KM#1 FO#7662
Year 1593-1595

Francia | 10 centimes (Notgeld)

KM#1.01t FO#13680
Year 1921

Francia | 1 jeton (token)

KM#1.02t FO#11000
Year 1681

Francia | double tournois

Francia | 1 liard

KM#192.1 FO#18660
Year 1656

Francia | 4 sols (2 denier)

KM#281 FO#21299
Year 1692

Francia | 1 liard (Louis XIV)

KM#284.13 FO#21298
Year 1695-1698

Francia | 4 deniers (Louis XIV)

Francia | 1 ecu

KM#486.1 FO#12770
Price $163.16
Year 1726-1735

Francia | 1 liard (Louis XV)

KM#543.9 FO#25807
Year 1771

Francia | 1/2 sol (Louis XV)

KM#544.1 FO#25834
Year 1769

Francia | 1 sun (Louis XV)

KM#545 FO#25861
Year 1772

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.1 FO#14771
Year 1779-1791

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.2 FO#14772
Price $10.47
Year 1780-1791

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.3 FO#14773
Price $10.88
Year 1785-1791

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.4 FO#14774
Year 1783-1791

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.5 FO#14775
Year 1779

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.6 FO#14776
Year 1777

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.7 FO#14777
Year 1778

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.8 FO#14778
Year 1780

Francia | 1 sol

KM#578.9 FO#14779
Year 1783

Francia | 1 liard (Louis XVI)

KM#585.14 FO#25808
Year 1785

Francia | 1 liard (Louis XVI)

KM#585.15 FO#25863
Year 1786

Francia | 1/2 sol 1 ecu (Louis XVI)

KM#586.12 FO#22620
Price $27.19
Year 1779

Francia | 12 deniers (Louis XVI)

KM#600.1 FO#14770
Price $10.88-$16.32
Year 1791-1793

Other resources to find coins and banknotes of France

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