Ferrara Coin List
The city-state of Ferrara was an important political, economic and cultural center during the Italian Renaissance. Ruled by the House of Este from the 13th to the 17th century, Ferrara reached its apogee in the 15th century, noted for its architecture, art and monetary system.
The economic and cultural flourishing of Ferrara
Under the rule of the Este family, Ferrara experienced a remarkable urban and economic development. The city became a center of trade and textile production, attracting artists, intellectuals and merchants from all over Europe. The Este court was renowned for its patronage of the arts and sciences, sponsoring figures such as Ludovico Ariosto and Torquato Tasso. This prosperous and cultured environment was reflected in the minting of high quality coins, which not only served as a medium of exchange, but also as a symbol of the power and prestige of the city-state.
The monetary system of Ferrara
The monetary system of Ferrara was characterized by its diversity and sophistication. The main gold coin was the Ferrara ducat, inspired by the Venetian ducat but with its own characteristics. Silver coins such as the grosso and the marchesino were also minted, as well as copper coins for everyday use. Ferrarese coins often featured portraits of the Eastern rulers and heraldic symbols of the family, such as the double-headed eagle. The quality and design of these coins were so highly prized that they circulated widely beyond Ferrara's borders, contributing to the city's international reputation as a center of culture and refinement.
The most valuable and popular coins
The most valuable Ferrara coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:

The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.
Old coins of Italy-States
To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Italy-States.
Lombardo-Veneto Piamonte Rávena Tassarolo Bologna Sardinia 2 Sicilies Ferrara Genoa Gorizia and Gradisca Lucca Milano Modena Parma Modena Roman Republic Tuscany Venice Kingdom of Naples 1621-1734 Lombardy-Venice 1815-1886 Reign of Napoleon 1807-1814Coin Catalog
Italia-Estados | 1 marchesano
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