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Lucca Coin List

The monetary history of the Italian states is rich and diverse, reflecting the political complexity of the Italian peninsula prior to unification. From the 18th century to the mid-19th century, numerous independent states minted their own coins, each with unique characteristics representing their sovereignty and local traditions.

Coins of the Italian States

Among the most notable coins were the silver scudo of the Papal States, the gold ducat of Venice, and the piastra of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The Kingdom of Sardinia, which would later lead the Italian unification, minted the Sardinian lira, which would become the basis for the future Italian lira. During Napoleon's brief reign in Italy (1807-1814), a decimal system based on the lira was introduced, influencing future monetary reforms in the region.

Monetary Unification

The unification of Italy in 1861 marked the beginning of monetary standardization. The Kingdom of Italy adopted the Italian lira as its national currency, gradually replacing the various local currencies. However, some regions, such as Lombardy-Venice (1815-1866), maintained distinct monetary systems for some time after unification. The numismatics of this period are particularly interesting, as they reflect the transition from multiple monetary systems to a unified one, with coins that often combined local design elements with emerging national symbols.

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Italy-States is a country that does not exist today. It is now part of the Italy old coins.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Lucca coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of Italy-States

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Italy-States.

Lombardo-Veneto Piamonte Rávena Tassarolo Bologna Sardinia 2 Sicilies Ferrara Genoa Gorizia and Gradisca Lucca Milano Modena Parma Modena Roman Republic Tuscany Venice Kingdom of Naples 1621-1734 Lombardy-Venice 1815-1886 Reign of Napoleon 1807-1814

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

Italia-Estados | 15 soldi

KM#16A FO#22941
Year 1742

Italia-Estados | 1 scudo

KM#17 FO#22944
Year 1617

Italia-Estados | 3 centesimi (Principality of Lucca and Piombino)

Italia-Estados | 3 centesimi (Principality of Lucca and Piombino)

Italia-Estados | 1 franco (Principality of Lucca and Piombino)

Italia-Estados | 5 franchi (Principality of Lucca and Piombino)

Italia-Estados | 1 quattrino

KM#31A FO#22930
Year 1826

Italia-Estados | 2 Quattrini

KM#33A FO#22933
Year 1826

Italia-Estados | 1/2 soldo

KM#34A FO#22932
Year 1826

Italia-Estados | 1 soldo

KM#34a FO#22934
Year 1841

Italia-Estados | 5 quattrini

KM#35A FO#22935
Year 1826

Italia-Estados | 2 soldi

KM#36 FO#22937
Year 1835

Italia-Estados | 3 soldi

KM#37 FO#22938
Year 1835

Italia-Estados | 5 soldi

KM#38 FO#22939
Year 1833

Italia-Estados | 10 soldi

KM#39 FO#22940
Year 1833

Italia-Estados | 1 lira

KM#40 FO#22942
Year 1834-1838

Italia-Estados | 2 lire

KM#41 FO#22943
Year 1837

Italia-Estados | 1 bolognino, 2 soldi

Italia-Estados | 1 scudo

KM#53 FO#22945
Year 1743

Italia-Estados | 1 doppia

KM#57.1 FO#22949
Year 1749

Italia-Estados | 1 doppia

KM#57.2 FO#22950
Year 1750

Italia-Estados | 1 scudo

KM#60 FO#22946
Year 1754

Italia-Estados | 1 scudo

KM#62 FO#22947
Year 1753

Italia-Estados | 1 scudo

KM#66 FO#22948
Year 1754

Other resources to find coins and banknotes of Italy-States

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