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Venice Coin List

The Republic of Venice was a maritime and commercial power that dominated the Mediterranean for centuries. Its monetary system, based on the gold ducat, was fundamental to its economic success and its influence in international trade.

The Venetian ducat: the currency that conquered the world

The Venetian ducat, introduced in 1284 by Doge Giovanni Dandolo, quickly became the currency of reference for international trade. Its purity and stability made it widely accepted throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. The gold ducat, with its famous design showing the doge kneeling before St. Mark, remained virtually unchanged for centuries. This consistency in design and weight contributed to its reputation for reliability. In addition to gold ducats, Venice minted silver coins such as the grosso and marcello, which also played an important role in local and regional trade.

The Economic and Political Impact of Venetian Coinage

The strength of Venetian coinage was a direct reflection of the economic and political power of the Republic. Venice's control over Mediterranean trade routes and its monopoly on certain luxury goods allowed it to maintain a strong and stable currency. This monetary stability attracted merchants from all over the known world, making Venice a major financial center. Venetian bankers developed sophisticated credit and currency exchange systems, laying the foundation for the modern banking system. The influence of Venetian coinage extended even beyond its borders, with many states imitating the ducat or using it as the basis for their own coinage, demonstrating the extent of the Serenissima Republic's economic power.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Venice coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Old coins of Italy-States

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Italy-States.

Lombardo-Veneto Piamonte Rávena Tassarolo Bologna Sardinia 2 Sicilies Ferrara Genoa Gorizia and Gradisca Lucca Milano Modena Parma Modena Roman Republic Tuscany Venice Kingdom of Naples 1621-1734 Lombardy-Venice 1815-1886 Reign of Napoleon 1807-1814

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

Italia-Estados | 5 centesimi

KM#809 FO#25815
Year 1849

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