Piamonte Coin List
Piedmont, a historic region in northwestern Italy, played a crucial role in the unification of the country during the 19th century. As part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Piedmont was the center of power of the House of Savoy and played a key role in the minting of coins that reflected its political and economic importance.
The Piedmontese monetary system
The Piedmontese monetary system was based on the Piedmontese lira, which was divided into 20 soldi or 240 denari. This currency, introduced in the 18th century, gradually replaced the old local coins and became the standard monetary unit of the region. Gold coins, such as the carlino and doppia, were used for high-value transactions, while silver coins, such as the scudo and lira, were more common in everyday trade. The quality and design of these coins reflected the wealth and prestige of the House of Savoy, with portraits of the rulers and heraldic symbols prominently displayed.
Impact on Italian unification
As Piedmont led the Italian unification movement, its monetary system gained influence throughout the peninsula. The Piedmontese lira served as the basis for the creation of the Italian lira after unification in 1861. This process of monetary transition was gradual, with Piedmontese coins circulating alongside the new Italian coins for several years. The mints of Turin and Genoa, which had been instrumental in the production of Piedmontese coins, continued to operate under the new Kingdom of Italy, thus maintaining part of the numismatic tradition of Piedmont. The numismatic heritage of Piedmont continues to be of great interest to collectors and historians, offering a unique window into the political and economic evolution of Italy during this crucial period.
The most valuable and popular coins
The most valuable Piamonte coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:

The valuation of these coins list has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.
Old coins of Italy-States
To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Italy-States.
Lombardo-Veneto Piamonte Rávena Tassarolo Bologna Sardinia 2 Sicilies Ferrara Genoa Gorizia and Gradisca Lucca Milano Modena Parma Modena Roman Republic Tuscany Venice Kingdom of Naples 1621-1734 Lombardy-Venice 1815-1886 Reign of Napoleon 1807-1814Coin Catalog
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