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8 reales 1894

8 reales
KM#377.2 FO#1320
Name 8 reales
Year 1894
Country Mexico
Shape Round
Composition Silver (0,903)
Weight (g) 27,07 g
Diameter (mm) 38,90 mm
Edge Cordoned
Mint Ca-Chihuahua
Mintage 2.642.000
Note Moneda emitida en esta ceca de 1831 a 1895. Anverso : Aparece el escudo de armas de México, alrededor la leyenda REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Reverso : Aparece el Gorro Frigrio de la Libertad con sus resplandores como símbolo de renacimiento o regeneración, abajo aparece el valor 8R la marca de ceca Ca, el año 1894, las iniciales del ensayador M.M. y la ley de la plata siendo 10 Dineros 20 Granos abreviado 10Ds 20 Gs.
Rarity Very scarce
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What is the value of the 8 reales coin of Mexico of the year 1894?

Below is a table sorted by the state of preservation of the coin 8 reales. The values reflect market prices established by professional collectors in their respective collections.

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The value of the coins is generated by a complex algorithm based on the users' collections and the degree of conservation. The price of the coins is indicative and in no case binding.

Historical Value

The following graph shows the evolution of the price during the last year. To calculate it, the average of the value of all the states is taken into account, which will allow us to know if it is currently on the rise.


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