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Current Republic (1992-2005) Coins

The Republic of Romania, established after the fall of the communist regime in 1989, underwent significant political and economic changes between 1992 and 2005. This period was crucial for the country's transition to a market economy and its integration into Euro-Atlantic structures. Romanian coins from this period reflect the country's evolution and its search for a new national identity.

Monetary reform and new issues

In 1992, Romania introduced a monetary reform that resulted in the issuance of new coins. The leu, the national monetary unit, was redenominated, and coins were minted in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 lei. These pieces featured designs celebrating Romanian culture and history, including portraits of historical figures such as Mircea cel Bătrân and Stefan cel Mare. The mintage quality improved significantly compared to previous issues, reflecting the country's desire to modernize and align with international standards.

Commemoratives and preparation for the EU

As Romania prepared for its eventual accession to the European Union, the National Bank of Romania issued a series of commemorative coins highlighting the country's achievements and cultural heritage. These pieces, often minted in precious metals, commemorated events such as the 125th anniversary of Romanian independence in 2002 and the 2000th anniversary of the founding of the city of Tomis (now Constanta) in 2004. In addition, in anticipation of the adoption of the euro, Romania began to gradually adapt its circulating coins, introducing new alloys and designs that aligned more closely with Eurozone standards, while retaining distinctive elements of Romanian national identity.

The most valuable and popular coins

The most valuable Current Republic (1992-2005) coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Ancient coins of Romania

To facilitate their classification, we have decided to organise the coins according to their historical period, you can consult the coins by historical numismatic categories of Romania.

Reigns 1866-1947 Monetary Reform 1947-1947 People's Republic 1947-1952 Monetary Reform 1952-1966 Socialist Republic 1966-1992 Current Republic 1992-2005 Monetary Reform 2006-?

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

Rumania | 1 leu

KM#113 FO#8791
Price 0,65€-1,41€
Year 1992

Rumania | 5 lei

KM#114 FO#918
Price 0,20€-0,60€
Year 1992-2003

Rumania | 1 leu

KM#115 FO#3307
Price 0,32€-0,67€
Year 1993-1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#116 FO#917
Price 0,07€-1,53€
Year 1993-1995

Rumania | 10 lei (50th Anniversary of FAO)

Rumania | 10 lei (50th Anniversary of FAO)

KM#117.2 FO#16900
Price 1,00€
Year 1995

Rumania | 100 lei (50th Anniversary of FAO)

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#120 FO#1405
Price 3,44€
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#121 FO#1406
Price 3,45€
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#122 FO#1407
Price 3,33€
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#123 FO#1408
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#124 FO#1409
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#125 FO#1410
Price 3,65€
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#126 FO#1411
Price 0,96€
Year 1996

Rumania | 100 lei

KM#128 FO#9113
Year 1996

Rumania | 100 lei (Olympic Games Atlanta 96 - Windsurfing)

Rumania | 100 lei

KM#133 FO#9177
Year 1996

Rumania | 10 lei

KM#134 FO#9178
Year 1996

Rumania | 100 lei

KM#135 FO#9179
Year 1996

Rumania | 500 lei

KM#145 FO#63
Price 0,32€-0,85€
Year 1999-2000

Rumania | 500 lei

KM#146 FO#851
Price 0,68€
Year 1999

Rumania | 1.000 lei

KM#153 FO#850
Price 0,19€-1,47€
Year 2000-2005

Rumania | 5.000 lei

KM#158 FO#849
Price 0,35€-0,76€
Year 2001-2005

Rumania | 1 ban

KM#189 FO#846
Price 0,03€-36,16€
Year 2005-2017

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