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Sudán Coins

The official currency of Sudan is the Sudanese pound, which is divided into 100 piastres. The current monetary system was established in 1992, replacing the Sudanese dinar. Throughout its history, Sudan has undergone several changes in its monetary system, reflecting the country's political and economic transformations.

Sudan's monetary history

Prior to independence in 1956, Sudan used the Egyptian pound. Subsequently, the Sudanese pound was introduced and circulated until 1992. During this period, the country faced significant economic challenges, including hyperinflation in the 1980s. In 1992, the Sudanese Dinar was implemented as a measure to combat inflation, but was replaced by the current Sudanese Pound in 2007.

Numismatic milestones

The first series of Sudanese coins was issued in 1956, marking the country's independence. In 1989, commemorative coins were minted to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. An important milestone was the introduction of bi-metallic coins in 2011, with denominations of £1 and £2, featuring designs reflecting Sudan's culture and history. These pieces are of particular interest to collectors due to their unique design and historical significance.

Country Sudán
Coin Sudanese pound
Continent Africa
Capital city Khartoum
Catalogued coins 95

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The most valuable coins

The most valuable Sudán coins and sought after by collectors according to Foronum statistics are the following:


The valuation of these coins has been achieved through a meticulous algorithm that considers the current market, taking into account aspects such as material, weight, diameter, edge, year of mintage, mint of manufacture and the number of coins produced. Coins with limited mintages and in good condition are usually among the most valuable.

Coin catalogs related to Sudán

You can consult other coins related to Sudán, these catalogs are usually country history: former countries, unifications, independence provinces, colonies, etc.

Coin Catalog

Swapping available In my collection

5 piastres

KM#5.1 FO#19853
Year 1887-4-1894

1 millim

KM#29.1 FO#11070
Price 3,00€-5,00€
Year 1956-1969

2 millim

KM#30.1 FO#20202
Year 1956-1969

5 millim

KM#31.1 FO#17194
Year 1956-1969

10 millim

KM#32.1 FO#8125
Price 1,09€-19,62€
Year 1956-1969

2 qhirsh

KM#33 FO#20122
Price 1,80€
Year 1956-1962

5 ghirsh

KM#34.1 FO#6546
Price 1,55€
Year 1956-1969

10 ghirsh

KM#35.1 FO#13288
Price 0,47€-6,40€
Year 1956-1969

10 millim

KM#42.1 FO#20002
Year 1970-1971

10 millim

KM#42.2 FO#20003
Year 1970-1971

5 millim

KM#53 FO#5447
Price 1,04€-5,93€
Year 1972-1973

5 millim

KM#54 FO#14239
Price 1,35€
Year 1972

5 millim

KM#54a.2 FO#18739
Year 1978

10 millim

KM#55 FO#20005
Year 1972

10 millim

KM#55a.2 FO#20004
Year 1978

2 qirsh

KM#57.2a FO#14577
Price 1,00€
Year 1983

2 ghirsh

KM#57.1 FO#6547
Year 1975-1978

10 ghirsh

KM#59.1 FO#20199
Year 1975

10 ghirsh

KM#59.5 FO#20201
Price 7,00€
Year 1977-1980

5 millim (FAO)

KM#60 FO#12623
Price 1,06€-19,28€
Year 1976-1978

Other resources to find coins and banknotes of Sudán

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